Diving Division Membership
Application Process for Contractor Membership of the IMCA Diving Division
Companies or organisations wishing to join IMCA as contractor members must:
- be willing to be audited against the Association’s guidelines by the Secretariat
- have an overall quality management system which includes a safety management system; and
- in the case of applicants to the Diving Division, comply with IMCA’s specific membership assessment procedures managed by the Secretariat.
Any applicant company which conducts offshore diving operations will be required to become a member of the IMCA Diving Division before applying for membership of any other technical division.
The basic application process for contractor membership of the IMCA Diving Division is shown graphically below.

Applicants should note the following points:
- There are two basic types of IMCA Diving Division contractor members:
- those undertaking surface supplied diving operations only; and
- those utilising both surface supplied and saturation diving techniques.
- Full contractor membership of the IMCA Diving Division is only open to offshore diving contractors.
- Temporary contractor membership of the IMCA Diving Division may be open to applicant companies that fulfil IMCA’s acceptance criteria in all respects other than the provision of evidence of conducting an offshore diving project.
- Temporary members can upgrade from temporary to full diving contractor membership of the IMCA Diving Division if they meet the necessary IMCA acceptance criteria.
- Companies can apply to extend existing Diving Contractor Membership of the IMCA Diving Division to an affiliate in another region.
The following documents, which are available in our publications section, set out IMCA’s Diving Division membership assessment procedures in full.
- IMCA Information Note ID XXXX IMCA Membership Assessment Procedure for Contractor Membership of the Diving Division
- IMCA Information Note ID YYYY IMCA Membership Assessment Procedure for Upgrading from Temporary to Full Contractor Membership of the Diving Division
- IMCA Information Note ID ZZZZ IMCA Membership Assessment Procedure for Upgrading to Saturation Contractor Membership of the Diving Division
- IMCA Information Note ID AAAA IMCA Membership Assessment Procedure to Extend Existing Diving Contractor Membership to an Affiliate in another Region
All submissions that are received are handled on a first come first served basis. At this time, we are unable to give an accurate timeline on how long an assessment procedure might take.