Freelance Competence Assessment e-portfolios
IMCA’s competence assessment e-portfolios have been designed so that individuals can take ownership of their own work experience within a standard framework, adding evidence and completing competencies as they move from project to project or from one company to another. The e-portfolio is intended to be a dynamic document used to record task competence pertinent to the role.
These documents are generated by the Competence & Training Committee in conjunction with the relevant technical division committee.
Current e-portfolios
Material is available for Offshore Survey and Remote Systems & ROV competence roles. Each e-portfolio includes a series of documents:
The following spreadsheets each contain an outline of the process, an editable worksheet for each competence role, and a editable worksheet for software and hardware competence assessment. The intent is that roles that are not pertinent can be deleted:
- Freelance competence e-portfolio Excel spreadsheet (Offshore Survey)
- Freelance competence e-portfolio Excel spreadsheet (Remote Systems & ROV)
Template documents for observations, questioning and testimonies:
Completed examples:
- Worked example observation record
- Worked example questioning record
- Worked example witness testimony
- Worked example candidate testimony
These documents are developed for use by individual freelance workers and can also be used by contractors and personnel agencies looking for a template on which to base their own competence schemes. All relevant documents are available from our Publications section under Competence and Training.
Please note:
- There is no central registration or application process regarding these e-portfolios
- IMCA does not play any direct role in the assessment of competence or the administration of certification of these materials. This is the role of the company member.

IMCA Contact
Andre Rose
Technical Adviser – Competence & Training, Remote Systems and ROV