Technical Service Bulletin from Broco/Rankin – BR22 Plus Exothermic Cutting Torch
The Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) has circulated an updated Technical Service Bulletin from Broco/Rankin relating to the BR22 Plus Exothermic Cutting Torch. This was sent out by Broco/Rankin on13 March 2018.
The bulletin, available here, notes that “a recent report of an external oxygen leak from the control valve of a BR22 PLUS prompted an investigation to determine root cause. The result of that investigation concluded that machining debris in the O-ring groove of the Control Valve Nut has interfered with the Oxygen seal in the valve assembly“.
Members using this equipment should download and read the bulletin, and take the actions recommended therein.
Leak Test Procedure

Safety Event
Published: 22 March 2018
Download: IMCA SF 07/18
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