Small boat cradle collapsed during poor weather conditions
A member has reported an incident in which a zodiac inflatable boat was dropped onto deck. The incident occurred when a dive support vessel (DSV) was at anchor outside the offshore oilfield waiting on weather. The wind picked up suddenly to 35 knots and as a result the vessel began to roll violently. This caused severe shock-load on the four securing ropes for the cradle supporting the boat. Two of the ropes (on the seaward side) snapped, whereas the deck side ropes were still secured. The vessel continued to roll violently and the small boat cradle slid from the stand and fell on the deck. The two deck side ropes which were still securing the small boat caused it to flip/turn over during the fall.
There were no injuries and no environmental damage. The small boat sustained some damage.

Our member took the following steps to prevent recurrence:
- The securing mechanism was reviewed and modified;
- Cargo lashing belt was introduced as additional securing means;
- Additional skirting was fabricated and installed on the platform towards the deck-side as well;
- Our member noted that appropriate securing of equipment and cargo against vessel movements should not be neglected.

Safety Event
Published: 21 May 2013
Download: IMCA SF 08/13
IMCA Safety Flashes
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