Pipe under tension on a reel
A member has relayed a report of an incident involving a reel containing pipe under tension at a third party’s onshore facility. An employee, unaware that the pipe was under tension, removed the ratchet strap securing the pipe on the reel. When the tension was released, the pipe sprang out and struck the employee above the left eye, causing a wound which required subsequent medical treatment.
There was a caution label warning that the pipe was under tension. However, this was on the flange of the reel and not clearly visible.
The following actions were recommended:
- Tensioned pipes should be tied off/secured using either a mechanical ‘U’ clamp or pipe clamp with a ratchet strap (or rigging) being used as a back up.
- Any warning signs should be attached to the pipe end or near the securing mechanism such that they are clearly visible to all personnel who will be handling the reel and pipe.
Photographs relating to this incident are shown below.

Safety Event
Published: 16 February 2007
Download: IMCA SF 01/07
IMCA Safety Flashes
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