Near miss – grating dislodged and fell, leading to crewman slipping
What happened?
During flow-line installation work on an oil platform, a section of plastic grating became dislodged as a crewman stepped on it. The incident occurred when crew were making up a flange bolted connection, on a hang off platform (HOP). A member of the rigging team slipped into the gap but did not fall further, and was uninjured. The piece of grating, which measured 90cm x 30cm and weighed 5kg, fell into the sea.

What went wrong? What were the causes?
It was assumed that the grating securing clips had come loose and fallen off, due to the flexing of the entire HOP during operations. There was no potential for persons to slip fully through the gap created by the dislodged grating due to the size of the gap.
What lessons were learnt? What actions were taken?
- The rigging team held a time out for safety, then made a proper check of the security of all areas of the HOP;
- Before starting work again, the grating section was replaced and secured in place;
- The team members working on the flange were wearing full fall-arrest equipment and were clipped on;
- The surrounding area covering the HOP was completely barriered off;
A subsequent ROV sweep grid survey was completed, and the grating section was located and recovered to deck by ROV.
Members may wish to review the following incidents:
Safety Event
Published: 5 October 2017
Download: IMCA SF 24/17
IMCA Safety Flashes
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