Near-miss during cable handling – Standing in the bight
A member has reported a near miss potential ‘line of fire’ incident during cable handling operations in which a member of the deck crew stood close to a heavy duty cable that was about to come under tension. With the recovered cable bight secured to a deck stopper, one of the deck crew was working in the vicinity of the cable just prior to cutting the bight. The Master observed the crew members’ unsafe position and exercised a ‘top work’ to prevent potential injury.

A Safety Observation was raised and discussed at the Safety Committee meeting, and all deck crew were reminded of ‘lines of fire’ and to keep clear of ‘snap back zones’ in the vicinity of cable, wires and ropes.
The incident serves to reiterate the need for awareness of the ‘line of fire’ and ‘snap back zones’. Whenever working with cables, wires and ropes, be aware of the surroundings and any actual or potential hazards. Watch out for team mates – keep an eye on all colleagues to ensure they are safe at all times. Never be afraid to ‘stop work’ whenever unsafe acts or conditions are encounters, stop the job and do not restart until you are safe to do so.
Whilst this is not strictly a mooring incident, the issues involved – wires and ropes under tension, risk of snap-back, standing in the ‘line of fire’ -are the same. members may wish to refer to the following incidents:
Guidance and safety promotional is also available from IMCA:
- In the line of fire (video)
- Mooring incidents (video)
- Mooring safety (poster)
Safety Event
Published: 1 September 2016
Download: IMCA SF 22/16
IMCA Safety Flashes
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