IMCA Diving Supervisor and ALST Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic
IMCA-approved Trainee Air Diving Supervisor (TADS), Trainee Bell Diving Supervisor (TBDS) and Assistant Life Support Technician (ALST) courses are currently delivered by DT2 Training Supplier Members in accordance with IMCA D 013 – IMCA offshore diving supervisor and life support technician certification schemes.
This Information Note has been drafted to provide guidance for training establishments intending to offer IMCA Diving Division approved courses during the COVID-19 outbreak utilising Online Distance Learning (ODL) methods. The requirements of relevant national legislation with regards to COVID-19 will always take precedence over this guidance and must be complied with.
Originally issued with the following reference(s): IMCA D 22/20

IMCA Contact
Ali Macleod
Technical Adviser - Diving
Information Note Details
Published date: 23 July 2020
Information note ID: 1519
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