Making Waves #80 – September 2016
Published on 2 September 2016
This edition of IMCA’s newsletter, Making Waves, features an in-depth look at how safety remains a top priority for IMCA and its members, even in difficult market conditions. We look at safety initiatives IMCA is currently working on for its members and recap some of the resources available to them. We hear from experts on IMCA’s SEL committee about why safety is so important to them, and how you can be involved in IMCA safety initiatives too.
Other highlights of issue 80 include:
- A review of IMCA’s latest Rope Forum event which tackled rope discard criteria
- A preview of the diving DESIGN workshop planned for November
- An interview with Iain Grainger of McDermott International, in which he describes why he feels it is time for the industry to embrace change
Please click the ‘flipbook’ above to launch Making Waves in the viewer or download as a PDF for later reading and sharing.